There is no such thing as concurrency under an NEC Contract!

That is a bold statement isn’t it, but broadly speaking I believe this to be true. It is other forms of contract that use this […]

NEC4 Negative float

Negative Float on an NEC Contract Programme

There are many misconceptions about this topic which this blog post will try to clear up. There are some Clients that actually state within their […]

NEC contract tender programme

Benefits of a programme at tender stage

There are so many good reasons for a Contractor to submit a thoroughly detailed programme at tender stage. Often it will be a tender requirement […]

Forecast Defined Cost

Clause 63.1 and “actual” versus “forecast” Defined Cost when assessing a compensation event

It appears to be a quite common misconception that if compensation event works have been carried out and the quotation not been agreed, that the […]

NEC4 ECC Top ten clauses

Top ten most important/favourite NEC4 clauses

Someone asked me recently on a training session what is my favourite clause within the contract. I said it was difficult to pick out a […]

NEC4 Negative float

Which programme should be used as the “baseline”?

I regularly get asked this question in training sessions. There are two occasions when it will be necessary to compare a programme against a previous one […]

Covid-19 Compensation Event clause

Before we knew anything about Covid-19, the effects would be claimable by the Contractor as a compensation event under clause 60.1(19) as a “force majeure” […]

NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract

Changes to NEC4 recommended by NEC People forum

From our NEC People conference output in 2015 we gave a 23 point list of changes that as a group we wanted to see in […]

Elephant in the room

A warm welcome to NEC4, but there is an elephant in the room

Yesterday I along with a few hundred others attended the official launch of NEC4. This is a very welcome development as like anything NEC needs […]

NEC3 & NEC4 Guidance Notes & Free NEC Downloads, NEC Training and NEC Events by GMH Planning Ltd

NEC4 is nearly here!

Here is a summary of some of the key changes that are coming within the NEC4 contracts when they are launched at the end of […]
