LinkedIn NEC Contract Discussion Group GMH Planning - NEC Contract Experts

LinkedIn NEC People Discussions – June 2016-May 2017

Here is a hyperlinked list of all of the discussions held within the group between June 2016 and May 2017. Linked In Discussion Archive Jun […]


Guide: How to REALLY get compensation events implemented.

Compensation events are always difficult to get agreed (or as the contract calls it – implemented). This guidance document offers very practical advice on how to overcome issues that otherwise may arise to get these signed off.


Procurement and contract strategies

A useful free guide from the NEC to help choose which NEC3 contract you should be using in a given situation.

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Archived LinkedIn Discussions June 2014 – May 2015

A list of the 12 months worth of NEC3 discussions held within the LinkedIn group to the period leading up to May 2015.


Archived LinkedIn group discussions:2013-June 2014

A list of the 12 months worth of NEC3 discussions held within the LinkedIn group to the period leading up to May 2014.


Project Start Up Check List

Project start up check list for anyone embarking on an NEC3 contract.


Compensation Events – Good Practice Guide

One of the break out sessions at this years conference was hosted by Richard Patterson and Barry Trebes. Attached is the ouput from that session […]


Which programme to use when assessing compensation events

Download: NEC newsletter 61 Programme article Which programme do you use to assess compensation events? This is a common problem that occurs on projects and […]


Overview Guide to the ECS Contract

ECS High Level Quick User Guide This simple guide lists out the key sections and clauses of the ECS contract and shows readers where particular […]


ECC Early Warning process flowchart

Early Warning process map The early warning process is a very simple system but one that is often misunderstood and mismanaged by on or other […]

NEC ECC Section 36 Acceleration NEC Guidance Note

ECC Section 36 – Acceleration

The acceleration provisions  are actually very simple under the contract and are the mechanism for bringing forward the Completion Date at the request of the […]

NEC NEC ECC Clause 32.1 Revising the Programmes NEC Guidance Note

ECC Clause 32.1 – Revising the Programme

This clause requires that all subsequent programmes include actual progress achieved on each operation and effect upon remaining work, , how Contractor plans to deal […]

NEC Clause 31.3 Programme Acceptance NEC Guidance Note

ECC Clause 31.3 – Programme Acceptance

The Accepted Programme is key in agreeing the true state of play at any one point in time for that project. The regularly submitted programmes […]

NEC ECC Clause 31.2 Programme Requirements NEC Guidance Note | Free NEC Guidance Notes

ECC Clause 31.2 – Programme Requirements

ECC Clause 31.2 is indeed one of the longest in the whole Contract, which provides a comprehensive list of what should be included within each […]

NEC ECC Clause 31.1 Programme NEC Guidance Note

ECC Clause 31.1 – Programme

Clause 31.1 confirms that a programme can either be bound into the contract or a first programme issued for acceptance after contract award within the […]

ECC Section 3 Programme NEC Guidance Note

ECC Section 3 – Programme

The NEC suite of contracts puts far greater contractual requirements upon the Contractor to produce and manage a detailed programme than other forms of contract currently in existence within the construction industry. Clear contractual mechanisms for agreeing change between the parties are key to successs.

NEC EECC Section 15 Early Warnings NEC Guidance Note

ECC Section 15 – Early Warnings

The early warning process is a mechanism for both parties to identify potential problems to the project. The contract emphasises that both Parties are obliged […]

NEC ECC Section 13 Communications NEC Guidance Note

ECC Section 13 – Communications

Flow of communication is essential between the parties to ensure the level of understanding and transparency between the Parties. In particular clauses 13.1 and 13.7 […]

NEC ECC Clause 11.2 Defined Terms NEC Guidance Note

ECC Clause 11.2 – Defined Terms

ECC Clause 11.2 – Defined Terms: There are a number of defined terms that are spread through out the NEC contract that have specific implications and useful to understand when producing and maintaining the contract programme.

NEC requirement to act in a “spirit of mutual trust and co-operation” NEC Guidance Note

NEC requirement to act in a “spirit of mutual trust and co-operation”

The opening clause of the ECC contract brings two very important issues to the fore, that 1) everyone named and involved with the contract has to do what it says, and 2) do this in a spirit of mutual trust and cooperation.


Managing a programme under the NEC form of contract

A well thought out, detailed contractor’s programme should be used such that is a proactive management tool for both managing the works on a day-to-day basis, and a mechanism to demonstrate the effects and hence entitlement (if any) when change occurs.
