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Cover image for CECA NEC4 Bulletin CECA Member Briefings by GMH Planning Ltd

NEC4 CECA Bulletin No 11: Contract Data parts 1 & 2

GMH Planning in conjunction with CECA (Civil Engineering Contractors Association) are producing a series of monthly bulletins focusing each month on an aspect of NEC contracts that their members should take particular attention to.

The eleventh bulletin in our 2021 series is about understanding contract data parts 1 and 2, for which you can download a copy here:

The bulletin explores what elements a Client needs to complete within contract data part 1 and what it could mean for the risk profile of a Contractor. It also then looks at elements for the Contractor to consider when they complete their contract data part 2, which is then submitted as part of their tender return.  

This series of bulletins are intended to be a quick focus on certain aspects of the contract to allow parties to properly price and programme accordingly at tender stage and manage the contractual processes during the life of the project.
